There are five Amendments to the Coral Springs Charter on the November Ballot. We STRONGLY OPPOSE #2 and #3.

1. Forfeiture of Office/Discipline

The current charter lacks the due process and rules for how elected officials may be removed from office or disciplined for misconduct. Should the charter be amended to provide for due process and rules on how to discipline or remove elected officials from office for misconduct?

2. Compensation of the Mayor and Commissioners

The current charter provides a set compensation amount, as increased by the consumer price index, for the mayor and city commissioners. Shall the Charter of the City of Coral Springs be amended to provide that the mayor and city commissioners will be compensated annually based on the average salaries less two percent of the mayor and commissioners of the cities of Margate, Tamarac, Pompano Beach, and Coconut Creek?

3. Procedure for Qualifying for Office by Petition

The current charter provides that for a candidate to obtain a waiver from paying a qualifying fee to run for office, that candidate may obtain 5% of the registered voters signatures. Should the charter be amended to provide that instead of obtaining signatures from 5% of the voters that the candidate must have one signature for each dollar they would have paid if they paid the qualifying fee?

4. Removal or Replacement of Obsolete, Superseded Provisions, Ineffective Language, and Other Non-Substantive Technical Errors

The current charter has certain provisions that are obsolete, superseded, gender biased, contains ineffective language, and/or has other technical errors that are non-substantive. Should the charter be amended to remove or replace obsolete provisions, superseded provisions, gender bias, ineffective language, and/or other technical errors that are non-substantive?

5. Lifetime Service Limits on the City Commission and Terms of Office for the Mayor

The current charter does not contain a lifetime service limit on the city commission. It also provides that the mayor is part of the city commission with an 8 consecutive year term limit and two year terms of office. Should the charter be amended to set a 16 year lifetime service limit on the city commission, maintain an 8 consecutive year term limit and increase the mayor’s term of office to 4 years?
